Liner and Underlayment » Seaming Supplies/Patch Kit » Firestone Lap Sealant
Firestone Lap Sealant

Firestone Lap Sealant is specifically designed edge treatment used to ensure a watertight seal while seaming two PondGard EPDM liners. This adhesive caulk serves as a final precaution against leaks and is applied to the outer edge of a seam. Firestone Lap Sealant applies easily using a caulk gun. Made in the USA.
Item #
Firestone Lap Sealant
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Liner Patch Kits
EPDM Liner Patch Kit Kit contains the following items to repair leaks in your liner. (2) 6" x 6" Patches (1) 1oz of LVOC Quick Prime (1) Scrubber Pad (1) Patch Roller (1) Pair of throw away gloves
Seam and Batten Tape
Using a strong, reliable liner tape is important to assuring that stability of your pond liner. We carry an assortment of tapes to suit your needs. The Firestone QuickSeam Splice Tape is designed to seam...(click on product image for more details)